A nice interview page at Thistle!

I Found a nice interview page at Thistle!

(Quoted from thistle)

Some stories are simple yet miraculous. Here’s one: on a warm Saturday morning, you find Mariko, the founder of Aedan Fermented Foods, serenely selling her miso at the Ferry Building Farmer’s Market in San Francisco. She’s there reliably each week – eager to share a satisfied testimonial (“how good your miso makes my cooking!”) or a favorite use of miso (currently Dengaku Miso: a sweet topping great on grilled eggplant and tofu, comprised of miso paste, amazake, and sesame oil). After you take home Mariko’s traditional, hand-made Country Miso, crafted the year before and aged to achieve a particular umami in taste and blush in appearance, you try it, immediately struck by its pure, deeply satisfying flavor. It’s incredibly rich, like butter in some ways. It’s utterly simple and yet a miraculous discovery all the same. You might find yourself mixing Mariko’s miso with hot dashi to make miso soup or simply pairing it with vegetables for a savory snack. Whatever you do with it, you’ll have, perhaps unknowingly, played a part in another simple yet miraculous story, a story in which a mother from Japan, untethered to her homeland, finds refuge in communities here in America. She begins sharing and celebrating her culture through meticulously hand mixing soybeans, salt, and koji – somehow pulling the world a bit closer with every stroke. This story belongs to Mariko and her miso. <read more>


The special order Brown rice koji!!


Spring arrived at CUESA & The Ferry Plaza Farmers Market